Monday, January 13, 2014

Rising Up to the Challenge of His Rival: an interview with local star Jake Lindsey

MMA wrestling is not something I've watched much of before going to see Jake "The Librarian" Lindsey fight. I had seen the TV bouts and reality shows out to make the next star and failed to see the appeal to it, although not being a sports fan might have had something to do with that as well. But as the fights went on and each round was announced by pictures of the fighters accompanied by flashing lights and the roar of the crowd, in some strange way I began to see the appeal of it. There was something about these matches that reckoned back to the gladiators of Rome, and I could barely help being swept up by it. Was I not entertained? Finally it was Jake Lindsey's turn in the ring, and as the lights flickered across his picture I cheered with the rest. The match started and the cheering continued as Jake and his opponent circled each other trading occasional blows until, almost without warning, "The Librarian" saw his opening and pounced on his opponent. A short time looking for an advantage, followed by brutal submission- it was like watching an animal attack. Almost as quickly as it had started the fight was over, the crowd was in a frenzy and I was screaming along with them. Maybe there was something to all this after all.

According to Jake "The Librarian" Lindsey one of the most common questions he gets is about this unusual nickname, although the answer is strangely simple- when he isn't training as a professional fighter, Jake works at the Manhattan Public Library. So when he joined his gym and a second Jake was also training there, they were referred to by the others as "Firefighter Jake" and "Librarian Jake", a nickname which Lindsey admits was probably helped along by his love of video games and fantasy novels. So when at his second amateur fight he was introduced as Jake "The Librarian", the name stuck. Still, it is a nickname that Lindsey enjoys. "A good nickname is hard to come by", he admits. Behind Jake's unconventional nickname is what may be an even more unconventional story of success. Before he started to train with his gym Jake says he had never really boxed, or even played football. Then one day when he was 19, he was watching an MMA fight on television and had that thought common to so many less successful armchair quarterbacks- "Man, I bet I could do that." With that idea driving him Jake had the will, but not the way. He started working out on his own and watched Youtube videos of MMA fights, learning by mimicking the moves he saw there. Once he was starting to feel confident in his new abilities, Lindsey called a promoter in Junction City in an attempt to find a fight. "Thank god it didn't work out", Jake recalls. "Some promoters would jump on that and say 'Here's a guy that I can feed to someone else to make them look good.'" Rather than take advantage of Jake's naivety, the promoter put Jake in contact with his now current trainer, Joe Wilk. Jake Lindsey has been fighting for 4 years now, and is in his second year as a professional fighter after competing in amateur leagues for several years. With a current professional record of 3-0 and an overall 7-0 record, this Manhattan native has proven that despite his uncommon background he is a force to be reckoned with.

As the name "mixed martial arts" implies, Jake Lindsey employs a variety of fighting styles. His gym focuses heavily on Jiu Jitsu grappling. That grappling technique is important for keeping opponents from getting an advantage if they ever get on his back but Jake admits he is more of a boxer. Although he is comfortable both standing and on the ground, he prefers to stay on his feet and be the one throwing the punches. With his upcoming fight this weekend, I asked Jake about what he does to prepare for an upcoming fight. Since he is in the lightweight division, one of the biggest things he has to focus on his diet- making weight for the fight means no cookies in the library break room, and no going out for beer with friends until after the fight! With a fight coming up, Jake is also able to focus on a specific opponent. When he was an amateur the fighters had much less publicity, and Jake says he would sometimes be talking to another fighter before a match without even realizing they were his opponent for the night. But now he is often able to watch video of these other fighters before ever seeing them in the ring, and likes to have that visual of his opponent as he prepares for the upcoming bout. You have to at least know what the guy looks like, Jake says. "Once you see his face it's like, now it's on." But despite the aggression that seems so expected in MMA fights, Jake "The Librarian" considers good sportsmanship to be just as important here as any other sport. "I've got to force hugs", he says with a smile. "It's not hard for me to flip the switch to be really mean... and then not be mean." Although almost every fighter keeps it friendly, at least after the fight, many have to psych themselves before going in the cage. And while even the Librarian has occasionally trashed opponents in the heat of the moment, he makes it a point to avoid it. "What if you lose?" he asks. "Then you've been a jerk for no reason."

After every fight, there are several people that Jake thanks for his success, perhaps the most unusual is his mother, who he says has been very supportive of his fights. Jake's local business sponsors include Ready Systems, Lucky's, and Johnny Kaws, and The Librarian is always sure of course to give a shout out to the Manhattan Public Library. He loves seeing local fans and local sponsors supporting the fights, and enjoys the recognition that he brings back to Manhattan as he participates in fights all over Kansas. He trains at Combative Sports Center on Anderson, and is very thankful for the support he has received there, telling me "If you're from Manhattan and you want to get in shape, maybe thinking about fighting in the future, that's the place to go."

Good luck to Jake "The Librarian" in his fights and in continuing his undefeated streak! And although Jake says he hopes to provide a show that lasts longer this time, he makes no guarantees. "I'm in that mindset" he says, "I've got to kill that guy quick." His next fight will be on Saturday, February 8th at the Marriott Hotel and Convention Center in Junction City, KS.

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