Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tab Creations, Manhattan's Locally Raised Gaming Company

Manhattan is the origin place of Tab Creations, the creators of the Saga Machine table top role playing game. Tab Creations started years ago as a group of friends making comics, and in high school they started to create their own pen and paper RPG. Despite several of them moving away from Kansas they've continued creating and growing since then, with the Saga Machine system and its related settings being their most recent line of games.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sunset Zoo: An Idyllic Small Town Park

Manhattan's Sunset Zoo is an idyllic small town zoological park, nestled deep in the Flint Hills. The zoo is more than just beautiful, though. From the beginning it embraced the natural cycle, creating life out of death.

A Journey Begins

I'm Darin Strouts, and welcome to my blog. I like to travel as much as I'm able (a teacher's holidays are great for travel, a teacher's salary less so), and this blog is for my reviews of those explorations, both local and far away.

I'm also a preschool teacher, a geek, a storyteller, and an asker of many stupid questions (and according to some people, a teller of many stupid jokes) and the rest of that randomness can be found at sister site Interrobangarang.